This is a beautiful and wonderful time to be alive in so many ways, We have the tremendous blessing of living in a gorgeous part of our country and our wards are growing spiritually and in size. We are blessed as a stake. Of course, we realize we need to have some opposition in order to experience the full spectrum of our mortal journey. Nevertheless, we are very grateful that the world-wide pandemic is over or near over throughout the world. It provided an anvil against which our stake families and members were vigorously tested for many months. In 2020 and 2021 our ward meetings were limited and then canceled altogether. Finally, in the later months of 2021 through the early months of 2022, these and other restrictions were gradually eliminated. We slowly began meeting again in our ward buildings, but only for a short Sacrament meeting while sitting 6 feet apart from each other, wearing mouth coverings, and the number of members who could meet was sharply curtailed. But eventually these restrictions were removed, one-by one, and by about 2022 now we could meet as we did prior to the COVID-19 plague and take the Sacrament as entire wards.
Thankfully, through divine inspiration, a year prior to the pandemic striking our country, our inspired Prophet taught us to begin utilizing the “Come Follow Me” program as an opportunity for families to study gospel centered lessons in our homes - to follow the covenant path back to our heavenly home with those we love. We were also promised our faithfulness in studying the gospel in our homes would provide us with incredible aid in conquering the impact of the tests we would face in the future. Only one year later, the world-wide pandemic struck our city. We thanked our God for a living prophet who could receive inspiration in order to guide us and prepare us for this difficult time. We love President Nelson and are so very grateful for him and his leadership. He promised us aid and support if we were faithful to the Lord’s directions. In our stake we have proven these inspired words to be true. At the close of 2022 we find our stake families are fully invested in the marvelous “Come Follow Me” program. While we have great empathy for those who were sickened or passed away from the plague and for their family members, we are very optimistic as we consider the future. We know we are securely blessed by the power and authority of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We are filled with faith and vigor, and we look forward to the future.
Shortly after the pandemic began influencing our stake member with illness and the canceling of our typical activities, our great stake president, President Sant sent every member of the stake a short message of encouragement. Of note is his closing remarks:
“We pray each of you will find ways to express your love and concern for others. Starting with actions of tenderness and respect within the home, perhaps in small, unexpected acts of kindness and care. And then expand outward to others….”
A huge positive spiritual impact occurred in the 2nd half of 2022 when the Washington, D.C. temple reopened after having a tremendous dedication. Our members have waited 3-years for this wonderful event and with one loud voice shouted, “Hallelujah” along with all the angels in Heaven. Finally, at long last, we can once again attend our temple and families can be sealed for all time and eternity in “our” temple.
Additionally, the new Richmond, Virginia temple was being built throughout 2022. By the end of the year, it is only some 4-months away from opening in April 2023. It will be our “new” temple and we are thrilled. Many of our members traveled down to Richmond to watch the temple being constructed and returned to their wards to share their testimonies. This has been one of the, if not the greatest event in our stake’s history.
Our Heavenly Father has blessed us well beyond anything we could imagine. Our stake’s spiritual growth has accelerated. Our “old” temple is now reopened, and our “new” temple is about to open. Furthermore, our families continue to grow through the “Follow me” program. We are very excited to see what will be proclaimed during the upcoming April Semiannual General Conference. It is a great privilege to be a member of the Stafford Virginia Stake and to actually be part of these magnificent changes that bless us and our beautiful world. We give all glory and thanks to our God and do so in all humility.
Brother Rob Burdsal
Senior Stake Historian
March 2023